running pid node from roslaunch, process dies
I tried running the controller node from pid package
running from command line with rosrun works fine. but using launch file:
<node name="linear_controller" pkg="pid" type="controller"
args="1 6 .001 2000 -tfc lin_effort -tfp lin_state -fc 1000"/>
getting error
process[linear_controller-3]: started with pid [28035]
*** stack smashing detected ***: /opt/ros/indigo/lib/pid/controller terminated
[linear_controller-3] process has died [pid 28035, exit code -6, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/pid/controller 1 6 .001 2000 -tfc lin_effort -tfp lin_state -fc 1000 __name:=linear_controller __log:=/home/muaz/.ros/log/c6a3233e-3216-11e5-a8c9-20689d31db97/linear_controller-3.log].
log file: /home/muaz/.ros/log/c6a3233e-3216-11e5-a8c9-20689d31db97/linear_controller-3*.log
why it is getting stack smashing and exit code -6?