Help Here: Problem with the stereo_image_proc node

asked 2015-07-21 09:35:12 -0500

LexX gravatar image

Hello everybody, I have started ROS few times ago and I try to get the stereo visual odometry from a VI Sensor skybotix camera. After struggling a lot, I discovered that my problem comes from the stereo_image_proc node which publishes a wrong image_rect:

The image_rect published, displayed with an image_view stereo_view, gives me 2 grays windows which change of intensity when something moves infront of the cameras. But no real image rectified.

What I have tryed: To make the source node of stereo_image_proc nod run: same results and I have verified that the stereo_image_proc had in input topics good image_raw To vary parameters of the node in rqt_reconfigure

thank you by advance for your help!

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