Get model poses from kinect
Hi Ros users:
I have a P3DX model. is it posible to get poses of P3DX model from a kinect?? If it is, What package should I download for working with kinect?
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Hi Ros users:
I have a P3DX model. is it posible to get poses of P3DX model from a kinect?? If it is, What package should I download for working with kinect?
I'm a little confused as to what you are asking. The pioneer 3dx should have odometry, which should supply the position (to an extent). You can use the kinect camera in place of a laser rangefinder (the Turtlebot worked this way). You should also look at this answer.
As for the pioneer software, you can use the p2os stack.
Let me know if you need anything else!
In te real life I have a kinect and P3DX. I get poses of P3DX from kinect so I would like to create this environment in ros gazebo. is it posible? Thanks for your response @allenh1 !!!
So is there any topic of kinect wich can give me the poses of any object? thanks
Yes, a friend of mine has done it in the real robot. Thanks for your response
@allenh1 Do you know if there is a pkg in Ros wich provide just a kinect? because I would like to put just a kinect for example in x=1 y=1 z=1. Do you know if it exists?
To be honest, I'm still not clear as to what you want to do here... Maybe this?
Asked: 2015-07-20 07:25:23 -0500
Seen: 149 times
Last updated: Jul 20 '15
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