what are the specific critics forms of the DWA's cost function,when scoring trajectories?
i learned the theory of DWA, when i looked at the sources of the navigation,i found out dwa_local_planner
package have a lot connection with the base_local_planner
package. In the line 319 of the dwa_planner.cpp,it calls the SimpleScoredSamplingPlanner::findBestTrajectory(.)
to found the best trajectory ,when i looked into the simple_scored_sampling_planner.cpp,there is one question confuses me .
Q: what are the specific cost function forms of the DWA? I just saw in the constructor of the DWAPlanner ,lines 167~179, dwa_planner.cpp,the ''critics'' was set up, the " generator_list" was set up ,and then class SimpleScoredSamplingPlanner of object "scored_sampling_planner_ "was instantiated.when i looked into the obstacle_cost_function.cpp, oscillation_cost_function.cpp,map_grid_cost_function.cpp,i can understand how the critics oscillation_costs_
and the obstacle_costs_
scores trajectories,but when i don't figure out how the global goal critics path_costs_
and the local goal critics goal_costs_
& goal_front_costs_
trajectories. In the map_grid.cpp, MapGrid::setTargetCells (.)
aimed at global goal critics
aimed at local goal critics
,what are the principles of the two cost functions respectively ??
Any help will be appreciated much,thanks a lot :)
I'm not sure whether i am right ,the both take wavefront propagation algorithm .