Navigation Stack Computation from External Computer
Hello everyone!
I am working on a ROS Indigo project where we are going to be reading all of our sensor information from an Ubuntu Trusty install on a BeagleBone Black Rev C and sending that information over the appropriate topics (odometry, laser scan topics, etc) to an external computer over the network (also Ubuntu Trusty running ROS Indigo), which will then send back the appropriate twist messages to the base controller node that exists within the workspace on the BeagleBone Black. So, the only nodes that should be running on the BeagleBone are the IMU Node, the SICK LMS wrapper node, and the tf_configuration nodes (We still haven't figured out how to get those set up exactly, so insight on that is also appreciated).
I had been following the tutorial here:
My only concern is that the only way for me to get my_robot_name_2dnav package to compile correctly with the 'move_base' dependency that is apparently required was for me to install 'ros-indigo-navigation' on the BeagleBone. My concern with this is that we don't want the BeagleBone to be computing any of this information as it is at almost 80% CPU usage just to read and send the LaserScan message from the LIDAR.
Am I doing this correctly? Or am I missing something to connect the navigation stack to the external computer that will be able to handle all of the processing necessary?
Thanks for all input
Do you not want move_base installed on the beaglebone due to storage limitations on beaglebone? or do you just not want move_base running on the beaglebone?
I just do not want move_base running on the beaglebone. It's going to require too much processing power, when we have an external computer to do that.
so if you dont care about it being installed, then you can still install move_base on the beaglebone, but just dont run the move_base node on it. instead run it on your external computer. Did you properly setup your ros network ?
So, what you're saying is that it won't matter that it's on there or not. So, I can technically take that dependency off? Or would that screw something up? And from there I should just run 'roslaunch move_base move_base_0.3_to_0.2.launch' from the external computer?
Yes, we got that working last week! It's amazing how fast it sends LIDAR information over the network. It's only ~1 sec delay, which is way better than we expected.
Ah, I just found where it shows to create the move_base.launch file. I think it's finally starting to make a little sense!