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asked 2015-03-01 13:49:11 -0500

rnunziata gravatar image

Has anyone tried to get the depthimage_to_laserscan to run with the gazebo kinetic plugin. I can not seem to get it to work.

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Could you be more specific? E.g., what commands did you try?

slivingston gravatar image slivingston  ( 2015-03-02 00:23:06 -0500 )edit

1 Answer

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answered 2015-03-02 14:04:02 -0500

rnunziata gravatar image

I got pointcloud_to_laserscan working, not a solution but good enough.

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Asked: 2015-03-01 13:49:11 -0500

Seen: 591 times

Last updated: Mar 02 '15