hi guys,
I´m working in a project in which i have to run rviz in a tablet. I´m using ( http://www.willowgarage.com/blog/2012... ) app. But in the app i don't received any date.
i'm working with indigo and ubuntu 14.04. i'm trying the next steps:
1) i run my simulation in rviz in my pc to show if my program show something.
2) i run server.py
3) i run tf_throttle that the app required.
and to finish i run the app of rviz on my tablet.
the app ask me for a ip. we try doing it by wifi connection. We make netstat to show if the connection is working or not and in the state it say is established but no dates are sending or receiving.
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State
In the app in the status of a display that is working in the rviz of the pc say No PointCloud messages received.
what could i try to make the application work?
thanks very much.