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Does ROS move base require the base controller to give the position information?

asked 2015-01-27 08:11:38 -0500

Dragon Qu gravatar image

I'm reading Publishing Odometry Information over ROS. Does ROS move base require the base controller to give the position information on the Map? Is it mandatory ?

I thought move base is able to figure out the pose information from the linear velocity and radian velocity. Would robot_pose_ekf help if I don't want to do the computation?

I'm using a four wheel car, it's my own make.

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answered 2015-01-27 11:03:33 -0500

David Lu gravatar image

On the map, no. However, navigation requires knowing where the robot is relative to some odometry frame, and the the local planner requires the odometry information to figure out the current speed.

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Asked: 2015-01-27 08:11:38 -0500

Seen: 609 times

Last updated: Jan 27 '15