problems running nav2d tutorials - ROS Hydro
I have recently installed the nav2d package for ROS - Hydro on ubuntu 12.04 64 bit.
I installed the packages using the sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-nav2d
when running the launch file :
$ roslaunch nav2d_tutorial tutorial1.launch
I am getting the following errors:
core service [/rosout] found
process[Stage-1]: started with pid [15084]
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [nav2d_operator/operator]: can't locate node [operator] in package [nav2d_operator]
process[Joystick-3]: started with pid [15108]
ERROR: cannot launch node of type [nav2d_remote/remote_joy]: can't locate node [remote_joy] in package [nav2d_remote]
The stage simulator comes up nicely but on the rviz I can only see the robot and laser scans and no cost maps. When using joystick the robot does not move. Can someone help me with this issue?
Thanks a lot.
Edit 2:
From @sebastian's suggestion, I checked the rqt_graph and rosnode info, it seems that my hokuyo was giving scan topic while the topic needed in base_scan. So I removed the lines <remap from="scan" to="base_scan"/>
from the launch file. But no success. check the screenshot
But when i change the topic of map from map to costmap topic I was able to get the costmapScreenshot.
I checked my tf frames. And the laser is connected to the base_laser link so I made few changes to the ros.yaml file.
# Defines topics services and frames for all modules
### TF frames #############################################
laser_frame: base_laser
robot_frame: base_link
odometry_frame: odom
offset_frame: offset
map_frame: map
### ROS topics ############################################
map_topic: map
laser_topic: scan
### ROS services ##########################################
map_service: static_map
updated rqt graph
I changed the laser_frame
to base_laser
from base_laser_link
and for the time things worked. I was able to see the map. But could not control the robot using my usb joystick. I used the normal joytick. launch to move the robot and the map gets updated for few seconds and the robot does not move. Little_success.
So things seem to get working but I am doing something wrong with the joy node or with the tf frame. Since my cmd_vel topic is mapped to /RosAria/cmd_vel. Should I be changing that and where exactly.
Can you please check the tf frames and the rqt graphs I attached and find the problem.
roscd nav2d_operator
work?And if it works, where does it point to?
ok, I solved the problem.. Some dependencies were not installed by apt-get install, don't know why but I sourced the package into the catkin folder and everything works fine now. One question @sebastian, how do i take control of the robot's motion by joystick and not let it explore autonomously?
The robot seems to not explore narrow doors and I want to first move the robot using joystick teleop and then use the built map to explore using amcl. Can you tell me how to do that ?