Nav2d Turtlebot3 not receiving map when running Tutorial 3
I am trying to modify the Nav2d Tutorials to work with my Turtlebot3 to do autonomous mapping of an unknown space. I was able to get Tutorials 1 and 2 working by replacing "Stage" with my robot information, as well as remapping of the param files to match the scan/laser topics.
My rqt_graph shows /scan going /Operator and /RVIZ, as well as /map going from Mapper to RVIZ, but RVIZ is showing the error "No map received". The costmap shows appropriately.
Here is my launch file:
<!-- Some general parameters -->
<param name="use_sim_time" value="false" />
<rosparam file="$(find nav2d_tutorials)/param/ros_nav.yaml"/>
<!-- Turtlebot 3 -->
<include file="$(find turtlebot3_bringup)/launch/turtlebot3_remote.launch" />
<!-- Start the Operator to control the simulated robot -->
<node name="Operator" pkg="nav2d_operator" type="operator" >
<!-- <remap from="scan" to="base_scan"/> -->
<rosparam file="$(find nav2d_tutorials)/param/operator.yaml"/>
<rosparam file="$(find nav2d_tutorials)/param/costmap.yaml" ns="local_map" />
<!-- Start Mapper to genreate map from laser scans -->
<node name="Mapper" pkg="nav2d_karto" type="mapper">
<rosparam file="$(find nav2d_tutorials)/param/mapper.yaml"/>
<!-- Start the Navigator to move the robot autonomously -->
<node name="Navigator" pkg="nav2d_navigator" type="navigator">
<rosparam file="$(find nav2d_tutorials)/param/navigator.yaml"/>
<node name="SetGoal" pkg="nav2d_navigator" type="set_goal_client" />
<node name="Explore" pkg="nav2d_navigator" type="explore_client" />
<node name="GetMap" pkg="nav2d_navigator" type="get_map_client" />
<!-- Start the joystick-driver and remote-controller for operation-->
<node name="Joystick" pkg="joy" type="joy_node" >
<param name="dev" type="str" value="/dev/input/js1" />
<node name="Remote" pkg="nav2d_remote" type="remote_joy" />
<!-- RVIZ to view the visualization -->
<node name="RVIZ" pkg="rviz" type="rviz" args=" -d $(find nav2d_tutorials)/param/tutorial2.rviz" />
Any help would be greatly appreciated
I was able to get a map to generate using
So your question is solved?
We still can’t get the exploration to work even though it is working in the tutorial. When sending a Rosservice call /StartExploration the goal is received, but the robot doesn’t do anything or move. We aren’t sure if this is because we changed from nav2d_karto to gmapping
Did you try the rosservice call /StartMapping for the initial position?
What parameter uses the turtlebot3 in the ros_nav.yaml?
Can anyone solve this problem?