having trouble launching a launch file from another launch file
Dear all,
I’ve created a catkin workspace and so far it includes one package. This package has a cpp file as a node which uses API function from other package (youbot APIs). So far it has worked well and it can drive my robot (Kuka youbot). Now I want to call a launch file of other package (e.g. Kinect Xbox) from the launch of the pack I have already created. To do this I did following steps: 1- I created a catkin workspace named youbot_kinect_test which includes ‘build’, ‘devel’,’src’. 2- In ‘src’ there is the first package named ’ main_node’ including main.cpp, package.xml, Cmakelists.txt and Launch folder. 3- In the launch folder I put a launch file which includes another launch file(the Kinect launch file) as follow:
'<launch> <include file="$(find freenect_launch)/opt/ros/hydro/share/freenect_launch/freenect.launch"/> </launch>'
But my problem is that when I run roslaunch main_node Kinect_test.launch I receive this error:
while processing /opt/ros/hydro/share/freenect_launch/opt/ros/hydro/share/freenect_launch/freenect.launch: Invalid roslaunch XML syntax: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'/opt/ros/hydro/share/freenect_launch/opt/ros/hydro/share/freenect_launch/freenect.launch'
Now my question is that is it possible to call a launch file from another? Do I have to change and edit the package.xml? Is it correct to put the launch file in the main_node package?