How to install and run openni_tracker for Hydro
Thank you in advance for your help and patience. I am new to ROS and could use some help with openni_tracker and the Microsoft Kinect. I'm am using Ubuntu 12.04 and ROS Hydro
I have installed openni_camera and openni_launch according to openni_camera:
$ sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-openni-camera
$ sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-openni-launch
$ rosdep update
I have no problems running openni_launch and viewing the point cloud data, color image, or disparity view using Rviz and image_view.
I have installed openni_tracker:
$ sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-openni-tracker
$ rosdep update
$ roslaunch openni_launch openni.launch
$ rosrun openni_tracker openni_tracker
and get an error
[ERROR] [1416949546.535139208]: Find user generator failed: This operation is invalid!
I've uninstalled ROS (both Groovy and Hydro) with
$ sudo apt-get remove ros-<distro>
and still the problem comes up. I've read in a few threads that I should install NITE dev or something to help. But have also noticed that it hasn't helped some people.
Again, I am new to this, so some step-by-step help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.
UPDATE: I've also installed openni2_tracker...located in ~/catkin_ws/src/. When I go back to my catkin_ws and use catkin_make, I get the following errors:
-- ==> add_subdirectory(openni2_tracker)
CMake Error at /opt/ros/hydro/share/catkin/cmake/catkinConfig.cmake:75 (find_package):
Could not find a configuration file for package orocos_kdl.
Set orocos_kdl_DIR to the directory containing a CMake configuration file
for orocos_kdl. The file will have one of the following names:
Call Stack (most recent call first):
openni2_tracker/CMakeLists.txt:3 (find_package)
-- Using these message generators: gencpp;genlisp;genpy
-- /usr/lib/
CMake Error: The following variables are used in this project, but they are set to NOTFOUND.
Please set them or make sure they are set and tested correctly in the CMake files:
used as include directory in directory /home/ecejames01/catkin_ws/src/openni2_tracker
linked by target "openni2_tracker" in directory /home/ecejames01/catkin_ws/src/openni2_tracker
-- Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!
make: *** [cmake_check_build_system] Error 1
Invoking "make cmake_check_build_system" failed
I am not sure what this means or how to fix the problem...thanks for your help.