Yes. A node can be a subscriber and a client at the same time.
We needed a node that could subscribe to a topic and call a service request from another node at any given time. I couldn't find any solutions (probably because it is a relatively simple concept)... but I think there should be some documentation for other people stuck with the same problem.
The problem we were having: Most of the service request examples have the service request being called from inside the main function. When we tried to do this, we were only able to request a service once and then the node would be caught in a spin loop. To avoid this error, we decided to move the service request into the subscriber callback function. This way it would be called whenever the subscriber heard a message.
The basic idea: The client is instantiated in the main function, but it needs to be used in the callback function. I made a ros::ServiceClient pointer at a global level (w.r.t. the node) and then gave it the address of the client. In the callback function I dereference the client pointer and use it to request a service.
ros::ServiceClient *clientPtr; //pointer for a client
int main (int argc, char **argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "MY_NODE");
ros::NodeHandle n;
ros::ServiceClient client = n.serviceClient<PACKAGE_NAME::SERVICE_NAME>("SERVICE_NAME"); //create the client
clientPtr = &client; //give the address of the client to the clientPtr
ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe<PACKAGE_NAME::MESSAGE_NAME>("TOPIC_NAME",1000,SUBSCRIBE_CALLBACK_FUNCTION); //subscribing
return 0;
srv.request.someBool= false; //just some variables to give the service some structure.
srv.request.someFloat = 4;
srv.request.someFloat = 30;
ros::ServiceClient client = (ros::ServiceClient)*clientPtr; //dereference the clientPtr
if( //request service from the client
ROS_INFO("Success = %d", srv.response.success);
ROS_ERROR("Failed to call service from motor_control_node");
What do you mean with client? Are you mean that you want to call a server service? If so, yes you could do both, subscribe to regular topics and also call services from a server (being a client) in one node / nodelet.
I'll have to check out the nodelet solution. My answer will go through a couple more revisions, but I wanted to put up our immediate solution so that others can see a way of doing it. Thanks.