No definition of for OS
Hi. I'm trying to install ROS Hydro on a PI. I think the error I'm getting is a ROS related question. I am getting the following error
pi@raspberrypi ~/ros_catkin_ws $ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro hydro -y --os=debian:wheezy
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved
to system dependencies:
message_runtime: No definition of [roscpp_serialization] for OS [debian]
rosbag: No definition of [roscpp_serialization] for OS [debian]
roscpp: No definition of [roscpp_serialization] for OS [debian]
rosbag_storage: No definition of [roscpp_serialization] for OS [debian]
The first line of the message says they could not have their rosdep keys resolved to system dependencies. Does that mean something went wrong when I got the key? I did run wget -O - | sudo apt-key add -
assuming that is relevant to know. Any insight to my problem would be helpful.
Have you taken as a reference the wiki's guide (here) or something else?