What should be written in catkin_package ?
Hello, my name is Kaori Furuike.
I have a question about "10. Creating msg and srv" in beginner level tutorials. ( http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Tutorials/Cre... ) It tells us to make sure we export the message runtime dependency.
CATKIN_DEPENDS message_runtime ...
But there is no statement like "CATKIN_DEPENDS message_runtime ..." in my catkin_package. And when I run without such a statement, I got this error message.
"Unable to load msg [beginner_tutorials/Num]: Cannot locate message [Num]: unknown package [beginner_tutorials] on search path [{'rosconsole': ['/opt/ros/hydro/share/rosconsole/msg'], ..."
Would you tell me what is (or what shold be) written in catkin_package at beginner_tutorials/CMakeLists.txt ?
Thank you.
can you share your Cmakelist.txt