Applying generated velodyne calibration file(yaml) on Ubuntu 14.04 with ROS-INDIGO
Hello, I am using 64E_S2 for a year. I used two commands to get 3d point-clouds from the Lidar throughout ROS.
The two commands are (1) rosrun velodyne_driver velodyne_node _model:=64E_S2 _rpm:=0600 and (2) rosrun nodelet nodelet standalone velodyne_pointcloud/CloudNodelet transform_node _calibration:=db.yaml.
The file, db.yaml, is generated by using "rosrun velodyne_pointcloud db.xml" where db.xml file is provided with the Lidar. Actually, it worked well under ubuntu 12.04 with ROS-hydro.
The problem is here. I upgrade Ubuntu-version to 14.04 and ROS-indigo, and installed ros-indigo-velodyne. However, when I tried to same commands with same 'db.yaml' file, I got error messages like below.
YAML Exception: yaml-cpp: error at line 0, column 0: bad conversion
[ERROR] [1410851740.164624564]: Unable to open calibration file: db.yaml
I thought that I have to generate db.yaml again, but it still not work. In addition, I would like to check what the problem is among the generated file 'db.yaml' and installed velodyne driver. So, I tried roslaunch velodyne_pointcloud 32e_points.launch
because it used the yaml file which is provided from ROS. Interestingly, it is working well loading the calibration file without error.
Therefore, I just guess that I should have to generate yaml file differently not following general way. However, one strange thing is that generated file and provided file are following same format. I think that it is better to ask here about this problem.