What is best resource, tutorials to learn ROS using rospy?
I have been learning ROS for two weeks now from online tutorials at Ros.org .
I have to build a mobile robot for my company. I will use ROS in my project. I will program in Python using rospy library. I want to know if there is any resource or any book where we can get more in depth guidance about developing a mobile robot using rospy. I mean, I would like to know if there is any resource which provides a step by step guidance in developing a mobile robot using ROS. In this way, It would be easy to get an idea of how to use ROS and rospy library to develop a robot from scratch.
It would be a great help if anybody of you could share your experiences on how you guys learnt ROS and which resources you made use of? Are there any best methods to learn ROS quickly? How much time it could take to start developing applications using ROS and rospy?
Thanks a lot