Rosserial HelloWorld On Mac OS X vs. Ubuntu 14.04
Hello All,
I'm attempting to use rosserial on a DAGU T'REX Motor controller to receive statuses and send commands to it, but I wanted to become familiar with rosserial first. So, I began working through the tutorials for rosserial, initially on my Ubuntu 14.04 VM (where my installation of ROS indigo resides), specifically the Publisher tutorial for my Arduino Mega 256. Everything worked beautifully and without a hitch. I was able to see the topic and subscribe to it to receive the published "hello world!" string. But, if work through the same tutorial on the Mac side (setting up the IDE and compiling/uploading the sketch), and then connect my arduino back to my Ubuntu VM, rosserial_python will never synch up to forward the topic to the ROS system. One thing to note: to setup ros_lib for my Mac, I just copied the ros_lib folder from the libraries folder on my VM to the libraries folder on my Mac.
Would anyone have a suggestion as to my this may be happening?