Skeleton Tracking in ROS Indigo using Kinect
I'm new to ROS and am using ROS indigo on 14.04 ubuntu.
The standard packages for skeleton tracking using kinect (openni_tracker, pi_tracker, nite) have not yet been updated to indigo. I'm hence to unable to download them via apt-get.
Is there any package I can use for skeleton tracking in indigo? Or is there any other way to install those packages?
What about downloading them from github directly and trying to compile them from source?
@atp I'd be grateful if you could walk me through the procedure.
Could I get those unfinished packages or source? Our University robot must use Indigo. My task is to implement people-tracking. I will gladly try to compile the packages from sources if you tell me approximately what I need to do, give me high-level hints, etc. Or, could you post unfinished code?
@atp said we could downlioad them form github directly and try to compile. Which packages are we to download?
I have a same problem with skeleton tracker package and ros indigo. Is there anyone to help?
Hi, same here, has anyone come to the solution of this? i.e. how to use the skeleton tracker with ROS indigo & the Kinect?