Some questions about velodyne_pointcloud package
Hello! I am learning ROS recently . I have some questions about velodyne package:
After I run "$roslaunch velodyne_pointcloud 32e_points.launch calibration:=/home/llm/catkin_ws/src/velodyne_pointcloud/params/32db.yaml" in the terminal , which .cpp file in src/conversions/ was executed ?
I notice that in the file convert.cpp , "output_" publish a "outMsg" (velodyne_rawdata::VPointtCloud::Ptr) in line 78,but in line 31 ,the "output_" advertise "sensor_msgs::PointCloud2" message ,I can not understand this code.
I am focused on this one . I created a node to subscribe the topic "velodyne_points" , and I want to extract the information of the points's XYZ coordinate value from the topic , but I can not understand the message type "sensor::PointCloud2", what should I do?
Looking for you reply ! Thank you very much !