Transferred catkin pkgs to new computer and can't launch
Hello ROS community,
I have mainly been working on my laptop but have recently installed hydro on a desktop with Ubuntu 13.04. I installed ROS desktop-full version and ran the install for MoveIt! I transferred my packages to this desktop with a memory stick and moved them to the catkin_ws that was created there.
After running catkin_make
I tried to launch the package but I get an error saying that "[file] is not a launch file nor is [package] a package". I see this post and tried to delete the build and devel folders and run caktkin_make
once again but the same error message is produced. The symptoms in that post were different than mine though.
I feel like there is something silly that I'm missing here. Any and all help is appreciated.
Thanks, Jordan
Did you source catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash?
Amazing! So dumb. I remember doing it when I initially created the workspace but when I deleted the build and devel folders and re-made I must not have. Thanks @sterlingm