Using CallbackQueue
I have a code where I have already subscribed to the following topics
pose_sub = n2.subscribe("RosAria/pose", 1, poseCallback);
scan_sub = n.subscribe("scan", 1, scanCallback);
I am using ros::spinOnce() to callback to these topics. However, for a part of my code,I want to just monitor the pose messages and enter into poseCallback from inside a particular loop. However during this execution, I do not want to enter into the scanCallback function. I know this is possible but I am not very sure about its implementation. I came across this article link text which mentions about using CallbackQueue but I did not understand its implementation or rather its application completely. Could anyone suggest whether it is this feature that I should be using or is there any other way I could get hold of the pose messages during the execution of my inner loop Thanks.