Unable to combine MLS and mesh generation in one file
I am able to do MLS and then also generate mesh, but I need to do both of them separately. I am not able to find a way to do it in one go. First I do MLS and save the file. And then read that file again and generate mesh.
If I combine both I am encountering segmentation fault. The code does MLS successfully but than fails. The two tutorials which I tried to combine are:
Greedy projection : http://pointclouds.org/documentation/...
MLS : http://pointclouds.org/documentation/...
Also since MLS itself compute the surface normal so I commented the part of the code where normal are generated.
Any help of pointers is greatly appreciated.
Let me know if I ask PCL related questions somewhere else?
My combined code is:
main (int argc, char** argv)
ros::init(argc, argv, "seg"); //is the third param node name
ros::NodeHandle nh;
int p_setKSearch = 20;
double p_setSearchRadius = 0.025;
double p_setMu = 2.5;
double p_neighbours = 100;
double p_maxSurfAnglePiDiv = 4; // 45 degrees
double p_minAnglePiDiv =18; // 10 degrees
double p_maxAnglePiDiv = 1.5; // 120 degrees
bool p_normal_consist = false;
std::string p_pcd_file = "/home/aknirala/chair.pcd";
double lDv; //Loaded double value
int lIv;
bool lBv;
std::string lSv;
std::cout<<"\n Getting the parameters...............";
if(nh.getParam("/mesh/meshParam/p_setKSearch", lIv)) p_setKSearch = lIv;
if(nh.getParam("/mesh/meshParam/p_setSearchRadius", lDv)) p_setSearchRadius = lDv;
if(nh.getParam("/mesh/meshParam/p_setMu", lDv)) p_setMu = lDv;
if(nh.getParam("/mesh/meshParam/p_neighbours", lDv)) p_neighbours = lDv;
if(nh.getParam("/mesh/meshParam/p_maxSurfAnglePiDiv", lDv)) p_maxSurfAnglePiDiv = lDv;
if(nh.getParam("/mesh/meshParam/p_minAnglePiDiv", lDv)) p_minAnglePiDiv = lDv;
if(nh.getParam("/mesh/meshParam/p_maxAnglePiDiv", lDv)) p_maxAnglePiDiv = lDv;
if(nh.getParam("/mesh/meshParam/p_normal_consist", lBv)) p_normal_consist = lBv;
if(nh.getParam("/mesh/sourceFile", lSv)) p_pcd_file = lSv;
std::cout<<"\n p_setKSearch : "<<p_setKSearch;
std::cout<<"\n p_setSearchRadius : "<<p_setSearchRadius;
std::cout<<"\n p_setMu : "<<p_setMu;
std::cout<<"\n p_neighbours : "<<p_neighbours;
std::cout<<"\n p_maxSurfAnglePiDiv : "<<p_maxSurfAnglePiDiv;
std::cout<<"\n p_minAnglePiDiv : "<<p_minAnglePiDiv;
std::cout<<"\n p_maxAnglePiDiv : "<<p_maxAnglePiDiv;
std::cout<<"\n p_normal_consist : "<<p_normal_consist;
std::cout<<"\n p_pcd_file : "<<p_pcd_file;
// Load input file into a PointCloud<T> with an appropriate type
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
pcl::PCLPointCloud2 cloud_blob;
pcl::io::loadPCDFile (p_pcd_file, cloud_blob);
pcl::fromPCLPointCloud2 (cloud_blob, *cloud); //What exactly is being converted here?
//cloud_blob may not be of type XYZ :-)
//* the data should be available in cloud
//Convert a PCLPointCloud2 binary data blob ---> into a pcl::PointCloud<T> object
//Oh, so this is one of the way to load any point cloud type from a pcd file, which we do not
// know before reading the file to desired point type. IN this case, to PointXYZ.
// Normal estimation*
pcl::NormalEstimation<pcl::PointXYZ, pcl::Normal> n;
pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>::Ptr normals (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::Normal>);
pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr tree (new pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointXYZ>);
tree->setInputCloud (cloud);
n.setInputCloud (cloud);
n.setSearchMethod (tree);
n.setKSearch (p_setKSearch); //It was 20
n.compute (*normals); //Normals are estimated using standard method.
//* normals should not contain the point ...
Just to know...exactly on which line, are you encountering the segmentation fault ?