Issue with message setup, People package [closed]
I am attempting to use David Lu's people branch and am running into an error when I run:
$rostopic echo people_tracker_measurement //or leg_tracker_measurement
Cannot load message class for [people_msgs/PositionMeasurement]. Are your messages built?
I know that this question has been asked before, but I believe that I am having a separate issue. I believe that my class paths are set up right, but I am still unable to use the messages. For example:
rosmsg show PositionMeasurement
Yields the details of the message. Using the script suggested in another link, I get:
<class 'people_msgs.msg._PositionMeasurement.PositionMeasurement'>
I am kind of stumped as to where to go.
EDIT:: As I say below (and forgot to say in the original post) I am able to roscd to both the people package and the people_msgs package.
Could it be a problem with sourcing the "devel/setup.bash"?
I don't think so. All of the signs of checking that (i.e. roscd, etc.) seem to show that the package is mapped to right. I did build it with rosbuild however, I'm not sure if that would be an issue.
rostopic is a catkin tool; it's possible that it can't find the messages because catkin tools can't depend on rosbuild packages. This is probably a bug in rostopic.
Oh, that makes sense, is there a rostopic-like tool for rosbuild applications? I'm going to try to build it in catkin and see if that changes the issue at all.
Which branch are you using?
The master branch with some changes to the leg_detector/src/leg_detector.cpp file to make it work with the people_tracking_filter. I was going to switch over to the hydro_devel branch to catkinize it though.
You may have better luck with the hydro_devel branch, since it is already catkinized. Although rostopic works fine for me in the non-catkinized version, so I would double check how you built your workspaces/package paths.
Alright, thanks for all of the responses. I'll probably try rebuilding my workspaces and return with any updates.