About a path that the OMPL solved
My question: Does ompl make a path except for start pose and goal pose? Is this correct? I have had a problem to move a turtlebot with ompl. That's that ompl has solved a path, but my turtlebot has not moved. After reading the web ( http://wiki.ros.org/navigation/Tutori... ), I noticed that a plan for mobile base has needed a start pose and a goal pose and ompl has made a path except for start pose and goal pose. Today, I add the start pose and goal pose to my code. After that, my turtlebot began to move.
std::vector<geometry_msgs::PoseStamped> temp_plan; geometry_msgs::PoseStamped temp_pose_stampedtemp_plan.push_back(start)for(int i = 0; i < num_frames_inpath; i++) { /* Convert Pose2D to pose and set to Pose of PoseStamped */ Pose2DPose(temp_pose_stamped.pose, temp_plan_Pose2D[i]) temp_plan.push_back(temp_pose_stamped); }temp_plan.push_back(goal);plan = temp_plan; /* publish the Plan for visualization purpose publishPlan(plan);
Could anybody tell me if my opinion is correct if you have a knowledge about OMPL? Thank you in advance!