Warning "No map received" occurs, when trying to visualize map in rviz [closed]
i am trying to visualize a map in rviz using slam_gmapping on my youbot. When adding the display Map to rviz and choosing map as topic the warning "No map received" occurs. I can visualize the sensor data in rviz by adding the display laser scan but it does not create a map. I searched for this error in ros answers but could not find an answer fixing my problem.
The ROS_MASTER_URI is set to my youbot: ROS_MASTER_URI=http: //Jakobs-youBot:11311/
My tf tree is map -> odom -> base_footprint -> scan.
My laser scan topic is scan.
I am starting slam_gmapping with
$ rosrun gmapping slam_gmapping scan:=base_scan
and do not get any output after starting it. Is this supposed to be like that?
I am using a youbot with ubuntu 12.04 and ROS hydro. My the laser i am using is a hokuyo laser.
I really do not have any idea what i am doing wrong. If anyone can help me, i would really appreciate it. If you need any more information, please let me know.
Thanks a lot.