RGBDSlam_v2 error with rosdep install
Hey so I'm running hydro compiled from source on XUbuntu 13.10 ARM for Odroid and I've been smashing my head against an error for a while now. When I try to run rosdep install rgbdslam after downloading all the right stuff based on this guide http://felixendres.github.io/rgbdslam... , I get this error
odroid@odroid:~/rgbdslam_catkin_ws$ rosdep install rgbdslam
ERROR: the following packages/stacks could not have their rosdep keys resolved
to system dependencies:
rgbdslam: No definition of [message_runtime] for OS version [saucy]
Does anybody know why this might be or how to fix it? I've tried just passing the step and just using catkin_make, but there are a lot of dependencies that I don't know how to acquire, so I'd like to get this to work.