What should we replace setEulerZYX with in the btQuaternion class (this method is now deprecated)?
We are using a Sparkfun Razor IMU, and it produces Euler angles in yaw,pitch,roll order. We need the setEulerZYX method to put this into a quaternion, but compiling this produces a warning that it is deprecated. I cannot find an equivalent function, do anyone have any suggestions for replacement?
I use transform_datatypes.h to implement OMPL. The transform_datatypes.h includes createIdentityQuaternion() and createQuaternionFromRPY() and so on. There is the transform_datatypes.h in /opt/ros/***/include/tf/. It's my pleasure if my comment is useful for you.
Unfortunately, this has the same problem as Dan's answer. All of these methods are rotations around fixed angles, instead of sequential Euler angle rotations. I agree that Euler angle implementation can be ambiguous, but euler rotations and fixed angle rotations don't seem to be equivalent.