Callback Based SimpleActionClient with Python
This tutorial shows how to do it with C++ :
Does anyone know how to do it in Python?
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This tutorial shows how to do it with C++ :
Does anyone know how to do it in Python?
The Actionlib Tutorials Page includes an Actionlib Client Python Tutorial
The goal of using callback based action clients is to avoid using waitForResult and having different callbacks for result and feedback, which is not the case in the link you sent me. The purpose of this is to use only the feedback from the action and not the result. (Continuous face recognition in face_recognition package for example)
If you're not calling an action for the result, you might want to rethink your use of actionlib. You can also look at the Actionlib API documentation: .
activating and deactivating image processing pipelines is tricky. They usually have some temporal state, and a pretty significant startup time. I've seen solutions that only run the pipeline when there is a subscriber. You could also try using capabilities to start and stop the node.
Asked: 2014-06-05 23:42:55 -0500
Seen: 1,819 times
Last updated: Jun 06 '14