basic question to make a code with OMPL
I read how to write a new global planner on this web.( ). and asked a question about how to implement OMPL. In the question, I said that OMPL is standalone. but, I don't make sense of standalone. I begin to write a code. Could anyone tell me if my description in ompl_planner_rrt.h is correct? Thank you in advance!
#ifndef OMPL_PLANNER_RRT_H_ #define OMPL_PLANNER_RRT_H_ #include <ros/ros.h> #include <costmap_2d/costmap_2d_ros.h> #include <costmap_2d/costmap_2d.h> #include <nav_core/base_global_planner.h> #include <geometry_msgs/PoseStamped.h> #include <angles/angles.h> #include <tf/tf.h> #include <tf/transform_datatypes.h> #include <base_local_planner/world_model.h> #include <base_local_planner/costmap_model.h> #include <ompl/geometric/planners/rrt/RRT.h>
#include <ompl_planner_rrt/ompl_planner_rrt.h> #include <pluginlib/class_list_macros.h>
I should post this question on OMPL Mailing List?
Above files are based on carrot_planner.cpp *.h. here I change namespace of carrot_planner to one of ompl_planner_rrt and I quoted CMakeLists.txt and package.xml in Problem with new BaseGlobalPlanner plugin. After catkin_make, it created I don't use a function of ompl.
It might be important for me to look through sample code of OMPL.
I should edit only makePlan in ompl_planner_rrt.cpp with ob = ompl;;base and og = ompl::geometric?