MoveIt FollowJointTrajectoryFeedback - What happens with it?
Hey guys,
I am writing a controller for a robot. I managed to get it running with MoveIt and Rviz, I have a JointStatePublisher running and can plan trajectories. Most of the times the robot moves along the desired path ;)
In the "Follow_Joint_Trajectory" topic, I get my goals and can post my feedback. Now I was wondering, what exactly happens to the feedback? The messages has arrays for everything like current position, desired position and error. When I'm putting random high values in the error array, I was expecting MoveIt to cancel the movement? Or replan it?
So far, I only get preempt-requests, when my robot moves too slow and exceeds the timeframe given from MoveIt. Are the feedback values from my robot used for anything or is it just a placeholder? Another option might be, that my statepublisher "overrides" the feedback from my controller? Since the data from the statepublisher agrees with the planned trajectory, MoveIt could ignore the "wrong" feedback?
Thanks in advance,