err when using gscam
Hi Guys
I tried to run gscam to get image from my camera but when I typed
$ roslaunch gscam v4l.launch
I got these errs:
[FATAL] [1400738699.774908523]: Failed to PAUSE stream, check your gstreamer configuration.
[FATAL] [1400738699.775082184]: Failed to initialize gscam stream!
and when I typed :
$rosrun gscam gscam
I got these errs:
[FATAL] [1400738785.074504579]: Problem getting GSCAM_CONFIG environment variable and 'gscam_config' rosparam is not set. This is needed to set up a gstreamer pipeline.
[FATAL] [1400738785.074717553]: Failed to configure gscam!
How can I fix these?
any suggestion about this?
thanks hamid