Turtlebot navigation on Hydro, OSX
I see that there are clear instructions given to install turtlebot navigation, such as the one here http://wiki.ros.org/turtlebot/Tutoria...
I would like to use my machine with OS X 10.8 and ROS Hydro(Installed already) to communicate to the turtlebot through the turtlebot navigation stack.
Can someone give instructions on how I can install the turtlebot stack on my current setup?
Right now this is the procedure I am trying to follow.
$ mkdir ~/turtlebot_ws
$ cd ~/turtlebot_ws
$ source /path/to/hydro/install/setup.bash
$ rosinstall_generator turtlebot_launch --deps --exclude RPP --tar > turtlebot-hydro.rosinstall
$ wstool init src -j8 openni-hydro.rosinstall
$ rosdep install --from-paths ./src --ignore-src -y --skip-keys "libopenni-dev libopenni-sensor-primesense-dev ftdi-eeprom avahi-daemon avahi-utils libftdi-dev libavahi-core-dev redis-server libusb-dev libavahi-client-dev"
If you see the last command, there are too many keys that need to be skipped because there occurs an error like this for each of the package specified above.
zeroconf_avahi: No definition of [libavahi-client-dev] for OS [osx]
after this I did
$ catkin_make install
Expectedly, I got the following errors, since I had skipped all the packages while I was installing the dependencies through rosdep.
Users/Siva/turtlebot_ws/src/kobuki_core/kobuki_ftdi/src/ftdi_kobuki.cpp:60:10: fatal error: 'ftdi.h' file not found
#include <ftdi.h>
In file included from /Users/Siva/turtlebot_ws/src/kobuki_core/kobuki_ftdi/src/find_devices.cpp:16:
/Users/Siva/turtlebot_ws/src/kobuki_core/kobuki_ftdi/include/kobuki_ftdi/scanner.hpp:45:10: fatal error: 'usb.h' file not found
#include <usb.h>
In file included from /Users/Siva/turtlebot_ws/src/kobuki_core/kobuki_ftdi/src/flasher.cpp:15:
/Users/Siva/turtlebot_ws/src/kobuki_core/kobuki_ftdi/src/../include/kobuki_ftdi/scanner.hpp:45:10: fatal error
Kindly help.
I don't know what software is involved to get this level of Turtlebot support working. The general process for installing any ROS package on OS X is similar to my answer to your other question: http://answers.ros.org/question/158546/openni-and-kinect-on-hydro-osx-108/?answer=158751#post-id-158751
Upvote the question. I fail to build one of turtlebot_simulator dependecies: create_gazebo_plugins
Hi, Can you post the error that you are encountering. Please add another question for that.
Here it is: http://answers.ros.org/question/169971/fail-to-build-create_gazebo_plugins-package-on-mac-os-x-109/
This way you can get turtlebot_simulator compiled on 10.9: http://answers.ros.org/question/169971/fail-to-build-create_gazebo_plugins-package-on-mac-os-x-109/?answer=170726#post-id-170726
Hi, I need the actual turtlebot packages to run my turtlebot and teleop it with my keyboard. Kindly guide me on that.
Have you tried to follow the instructions that @William suggested in the comments above (replacing openni_camera with whatever packages you need)?
@demmeln Edited the question with my results.