[Solved] Velodyne stack 'min_range' doesn't change
Hello, I am a user trying to use the velodyne stack with ROS. I'm studying human interaction, so I would like the minimum distance with the Velodyne HDL-32e to be as small as possible. I understand that it has limits (as stated in the manual), however, when I attempt to change the value of the min_range parameter, nothing happens. Rviz does not update, even when I reinitialize it or anything else. The value definitely changes (as can be seen in my screenshot), but the data still reflects the minimum range as being 2.0 metres. Can someone help me out with this? Is it a possible bug?
[See joq's answer for solution]
How do you change the parameter exactly? I don't see the mentioned screen shot.
I don't have the 'karma' to include links, *sigh*. I'll try to get a work around. normal: http://i.imgur.com/J6hgmZU.png altered: http://i.imgur.com/8NO7GFi.png
Note that it also does not change as you make the min_range larger either. http://i.imgur.com/DBcWloU.png