Unable to locate custom action using rosmsg with catkin
Using Hydro-Catkin, when we add a custom.action to my_package, although it is correctly generated and we can use it, it is not listed when using the rosmsg list command. And if we specify the package, rosmsg show my_package/customAction, it reports the following:
Unable to load msg [my_package/customAction]: Cannot locate message [customAction] in package [my_package] with paths [['my_workspace/src/my_package/msg']]
We already tried this answer, and we still have the same problem.
We have noticed that the action generated messages (customAction.msg, customActionGoal.msg, customGoal.msg, CustomActionFeedback.msg, etc.) are created in my_workspace/devel/share/my_package/msg, BUT the rosmsg tool searches them in my_workspace/src/my_package/msg.
With rosbuild this didn't happen, because the generated messages of the action were placed along with the regular messages in my_package/msg.
Is this a rosmsg bug in catkin? Or which would be the correct way to locate and get information of a custom action in catkin?
I've run into the same issue this morning. My python code can't find the custom action messages either. The message files are generated under `my_workspace/devel/share/my_package/msg` as above, and the python files under `my_workspace/devel/lib/python2.7/site-packages/my_package/msg` too.
I solved my version of this problem using this answer: http://answers.ros.org/question/64935/importerror-with-custom-action-in-python/
I had a python file the same name as my package, e.g. `my_workspace/src/my_package/scripts/my_package.py` and when I was doing the import it was loading this file, not the ones for the auto-generated action messages. rosmsg still does not find the message files, but my code works nonetheless.