Octomap launch with Turtlebot
We are trying to create a 3D map of a room using the octomap_server with the Turtlebot. Has anyone had any success using octomap_server on Hydro? Is there anything in our main launch file that seems extremely wrong? When we run our launch files described below and receive an error:
[octomap_server-19] process has died [pid 3571, exit code -4, cmd /opt/ros/hydro/lib/octomap_server/octomap_server_node /cloud_in:=/camera/depth_registered/points tf_static:=/tf __name:=octomap_server...
We first launch: roslaunch turtlebot_bringup minimal.launch and then we launch our custom launch file being:
<include file="$(find turtlebot_bringup)/launch/3dsensor.launch">
<arg name="scan_topic" value="/scan" />
<node pkg="octomap_server" type="octomap_server_node" name="octomap_server">
<param name="resolution" value="0.05" />
<!-- fixed map frame (set to 'map' if SLAM or localization running) -->
<param name="frame_id" type="string" value="/odom" />
<!-- maximum range to integrate (speedup!) -->
<param name="sensor_model/max_range" value="5.0" />
<!-- data source to integrate (PointCloud2) -->
<remap from="/cloud_in" to="/camera/depth_registered/points" />
<remap from="tf_static" to="/tf" />
Before we had this error we used rviz.
Fixed frame in rviz as: /odom
PointCloud2 topic: /octomap_point_cloud_centers
Note:unable to get anything but worked with the topic: /camera/depth_registered/points
Thank you in advance!