eclipse installation confusion

asked 2014-03-13 00:10:22 -0500

ROSnewbie11 gravatar image

updated 2016-10-24 08:36:22 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

Followed the IDE page trying to install Eclipse to make it ROS-centric.

I'm a litle bit confused by a number of things.

The author/s dont think its a good idea to install Eclipse using apt-get, what is the reason ? [(I watched a Youtube video on the subjec where the presenter did use apt-get to install Eclipse Title: How to use Eclipse with ROS[ENG]

I'm trying to follow chapter "2.2 Catkin-y approach"

What do the following command do ?:

   catkin_make --force-cmake -G"Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles"

does it change anything in Eclipse or is it changing something in the ROS-environment ?

and where am I supposed to be (in which directory) when running the above command (catkin_make) ?
in the directory where I installed Eclipse or in the ROS workspace ? or am I supposed to install Eclipse in the ROS workspace ?

                  Confused ROSnewbie
                  also with a to low "karma" to publish links... Its not my day apparently.
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The question is asked since the tutorial is a bit unclear to the newcomer who don't have a clear view of the current ROS/Turtlebot idiomatic lingo. After some investigation I found out that a Turtlebot (now also called Turtlebot 1 since there is a new version of Turtlebot, the Turtlebot 2) is composed of a "base" from the company "iRobot" named "Create". There aparently are number of versions of Turtlebot 1 and Turtlebot 2 depending on the "base". Another common base for the Turtlebot 1/2 is from the Korean company "Yujin Robot" named "Kobuki". Since "base", "Create" (also a noun), "Kobuki" are used as concepts without much explanation. Since I have derailed a number of times by now I dare suggest some thought is put into this when overseing the tutorials. Most of the time the tutorials this far has been excellent and I guess I would ...(more)

ROSnewbie11 gravatar image ROSnewbie11  ( 2014-03-27 05:21:36 -0500 )edit