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aravis camnode Frame error: ARV_BUFFER_STATUS_TIMEOUT

asked 2014-02-24 00:00:44 -0500

eirikaso gravatar image

updated 2014-02-24 00:05:36 -0500


I am trying to run the aravis camnode but get an error message: Frame error: ARV_BUFFER_STATUS_TIMEOUT

I ran the exact same node with same parameters yesterday, but now I can't get it working.

Here is the complete output I get when running camnode.

eirik@ubuntu:~$ rosrun camera_aravis camnode

"[ INFO] [1393242045.939900524]: Attached cameras:

"[ INFO] [1393242046.944975636]: # Interfaces: 2

"[ INFO] [1393242046.945041653]: # Devices: 1

"[ INFO] [1393242046.945078719]: Device0: Prosilica-02-2110A-06145

"[ INFO] [1393242046.946099931]: Opening: (any)

"[ INFO] [1393242047.043458478]: Opened: Prosilica-02-2110A-06145

"[ INFO] [1393242047.051520121]: Read parameter (string) AcquisitionMode: Continuous

"[ INFO] [1393242047.052089147]: Read parameter (string) ExposureAuto: Off

"[ INFO] [1393242047.052606205]: Read parameter (float) ExposureTimeAbs: 2000.000000

"[ INFO] [1393242047.053004840]: Read parameter (string) GainAuto: Off

"[ INFO] [1393242047.053854332]: Read parameter (string) TriggerMode: Off

"[ INFO] [1393242047.055533795]: Read parameter (string) TriggerSource: Line1

"[ INFO] [1393242047.080100210]: Camera does not support FocusPos.

"[ INFO] [1393242049.092995805]: Using Camera Configuration:

"[ INFO] [1393242049.093051071]: ---------------------------

"[ INFO] [1393242049.093407251]: Vendor name = Prosilica

"[ INFO] [1393242049.093876798]: Model name = GC650M (02-2110A)

"[ INFO] [1393242049.094351734]: Device id = 02-2110A-06145

"[ INFO] [1393242049.094386520]: Sensor width = 659

"[ INFO] [1393242049.094416641]: Sensor height = 493

"[ INFO] [1393242049.094447223]: ROI x,y,w,h = 0, 0, 659, 493

"[ INFO] [1393242049.094473899]: Pixel format = mono8

"[ INFO] [1393242049.094499654]: BytesPerPixel = 1

"[ INFO] [1393242049.094843820]: Acquisition Mode = Continuous

"[ INFO] [1393242049.095200192]: Trigger Mode = Off

"[ INFO] [1393242049.095552045]: Trigger Source = Line1

"[ INFO] [1393242049.095588934]: Can set FrameRate: True

"[ INFO] [1393242049.095950898]: AcquisitionFrameRate = 89.5897 hz

"[ INFO] [1393242049.095984962]: Can set Exposure: True

"[ INFO] [1393242049.096014800]: Can set ExposureAuto: True

"[ INFO] [1393242049.096044887]: Exposure = 2000 us in range [8,6e+07]

"[ INFO] [1393242049.096074699]: Can set Gain: True

"[ INFO] [1393242049.096103940]: Can set GainAuto: True

"[ INFO] [1393242049.096133436]: Gain = 1.000000 % in range [0.000000,22.000000]

"[ INFO] [1393242049.096163338]: Can set FocusPos: False

"[ INFO] [1393242049.096512460]: Network mtu = 8228

"[ INFO] [1393242049.096545200]: ---------------------------

"[ WARN] [1393242049.593426990]: Frame error: ARV_BUFFER_STATUS_TIMEOUT

"[ WARN] [1393242049.616419706]: Frame error: ARV_BUFFER_STATUS_TIMEOUT

"[ WARN] [1393242049.616471828]: Frame error: ARV_BUFFER_STATUS_TIMEOUT

I did get some crash reports on an upgrade. I do not know if that is somehow connected with this problem. The error message for these three reports from package "ros-hydro-roscpp-traits 0.3.17-0precise-20140130-1927-+0000"

Error message: trying to overwrite /opt/ros/hydro/include/ros/message_event which is also in package ros-hydro-roscpp 1.9.50-0precise-20131015-1959-+0000

Error message: trying to overwrite /opt/ros/hydro/include/ros/header.h which is also in package ros-hydro-roscpp 1.9.50-0precise-20131015-1959-+0000

Error message: trying to overwrite /opt/ros/hydro/include/rosbag/buffer.h which is also in package ros-hydro-roscpp 1.9.50-0precise-20131015-1959-+0000

Does anyone have an idea on how to solve this problem? Would be of big help. Thanks!

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1 Answer

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answered 2014-02-24 11:49:14 -0500

eirikaso gravatar image

The problem seems to be that I had not configured my network card for jumbo frames.

After running

ifconfig ethx mtu 9000 it works

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Where there any other configurations that you had to change to fix this issue?

Benjamin.Nilson gravatar image Benjamin.Nilson  ( 2015-11-19 10:51:39 -0500 )edit

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Asked: 2014-02-24 00:00:44 -0500

Seen: 1,041 times

Last updated: Feb 24 '14