Extrapolation Error, costmap update, RVIZ bug
Dear people.
I just passed from groovy to Hydro. And, I found out differences in the costmaps yaml files.
I have three issues, I hope you could help me :)
1.- When I run the navigation stack, and during the trajectory of the robot to its goal I get the following error;
Extrapolation Error: Lookup would require extrapolation into the future. Requested time 1392904133.775245246 but the latest data is at time 1392904133.766193000, when looking up transform from frame [odom] to frame [map]
[ERROR] [1392904133.785699817]: Global Frame: odom Plan Frame size 66: map
And the robot simply doesnt move at all.
2.-When the robot starts turning around to localize itself, it turns out that the update of the obstacles is quite slow and cant simply localize, and then it finds a path over the unknown area, in other words, the path is outside the map. It didnt happen in Grovvy. Is there a way to make the costmap to update faster?
3.-The Rviz shows a black cell in the origin of the map, and sometimes it shows the entire costmap inside this cell.
Any help will be appreciate it.
Thank you