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Using the OpenNI Kinect and the Nyko Zoom attatchment

asked 2012-02-11 08:46:17 -0500

AlexTJones gravatar image

updated 2016-10-24 08:38:30 -0500

ngrennan gravatar image

I'm working on person tracking with the Microsoft Kinect and the Nyko Zoom attachment. I need accurate distance estimates to/between each person and, of course, the Zoom warps the Kinect image. Thus, I need to determine an intrinsic and extrinsic calibration of the Kinect with the Zoom attachment. Based on my limited experience with this, I'm assuming that image rectification needs to occur before images are processed by OpenNI. Has anyone else done this? Does anyone have any advice on how to proceed? Thanks, in advance, for your time! :-)

Alex Jones

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4 Answers

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answered 2012-02-11 08:56:53 -0500

I Heart Robotics gravatar image

This is probably the next step for you

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answered 2012-02-11 11:15:46 -0500

AlexTJones gravatar image

The calibration is done through OpenNI. What I am wondering is if anyone has attempted to rectify the warped image before sending the data to OpenNI.

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answered 2012-03-20 05:31:25 -0500

Timdejager gravatar image

If anyone found a way to do this (sending the rectified image to OpenNI), I would also be very interested.. :)

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answered 2014-07-11 13:59:58 -0500

Nick Armstrong-Crews gravatar image

Check out docs embedded in

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Asked: 2012-02-11 08:46:17 -0500

Seen: 881 times

Last updated: Jul 11 '14