Dropped sensor messages in Navigation Stack
I'm trying to run the navigation stack on my own robot. I have run through the RobotSetup Tutorial and have made sure I am publishing everything I am required to.
I have published the tfs such that I have a tree that looks like map-->odom-->base_link-->base_sonarA
(which is the sonar sensor I am using - data being published as a LaserScan message). However I am getting this error:
[ WARN] [1328706898.660733327]: MessageFilter [target=/map /base_sonarA ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.costmap_2d.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.
[ WARN] [1328706899.306808499]: MessageFilter [target=/odom /base_sonarA ]: Dropped 100.00% of messages so far. Please turn the [ros.costmap_2d.message_notifier] rosconsole logger to DEBUG for more information.
Then when I turn on DEBUG as suggested, I get this:
[DEBUG] [1328707633.947505776]: MessageFilter [target=/map /base_sonarA ]: Removed oldest message because buffer is full, count now 50 (frame_id=base_sonarA, stamp=0.000000)
[DEBUG] [1328707633.956223854]: MessageFilter [target=/map /base_sonarA ]: Added message in frame base_sonarA at time 0.000, count now 50
[DEBUG] [1328707633.964573867]: MessageFilter [target=/odom /base_sonarA ]: Removed oldest message because buffer is full, count now 50 (frame_id=base_sonarA, stamp=0.000000)
[DEBUG] [1328707633.984351031]: MessageFilter [target=/odom /base_sonarA ]: Added message in frame base_sonarA at time 0.000, count now 50`
When I run rosrun tf tf_echo map base_sonarA
I get:
At time 1328707774.058
- Translation: [2.283, 0.489, -0.035]
- Rotation: in Quaternion [0.000, 0.000, 0.829, 0.560]
in RPY [0.000, -0.000, 1.953]
So the transform exists, but from what other threads have told me, this means the transform on the data is not happening.
As a result of this, I can't use the sensor data and hence the stack doesn't work.
Does anyone know what the problem could be?
Sample message from sonar sensor (LaserScan message) using rostopic echo sonar_dataA
seq: 821
secs: 0
nsecs: 0
frame_id: base_sonarA
angle_min: 0.0
angle_max: 10.0
angle_increment: 0.10000000149
time_increment: 1.0
scan_time: 0.10000000149
range_min: 0.00999999977648
range_max: 1.45000004768
ranges: [1.4827419519424438]
intensities: []