Help with writing a subscriber node for an existing publisher
I have followed the tutorials for creating a publisher and subscriber with roscpp. I also have a MicroStrain 3DM-GX3-25 working using the microstrain_3dmgx2_imu package. Following the tutorial, I can view the output data in the terminal.
I'm trying to write a subscriber to this but I'm a bit confused on where to begin since I don't even know where the code for this publisher (imu/node) exists. I'm trying to write a C++ program that will subcribe to the data being published. If anyone can point me in the right direction on this I'd very much appreciate it. Ultimately, I'd like to pass the x,y, and z values as arguments into a separate program for positioning.
I'm using diamondback on both Maverick and Natty (separate computers) and I believe I installed the imu_drivers stack using precompiled binaries.