Why is eclipse complaining about links?
I'm trying to open costmap_2d in eclipse, but I get the following error when trying to import:
Error processing changed links in project description file. Cannot create a link to '/home/tim/ros_source/electric/navigation/costmap_2d' because it overlaps the location of the project that contains the linked resource.
I have no idea what this means. I get similar errors for all other packages.
I have a fresh install of Ubuntu 11.10. I've successfully built ROS from source. I have eclipse indigo for c/c++ developers. Here's what I'm doing:
- rosmake costmap_2d
- make eclipse-project
- open eclipse
- Import... > General > Existing project
- Browse to /home/tim/ros_source/electric/ros_comm/clients/cpp/roscpp
- don't select copy into workspace, press finish
- error
The project seems to get partially imported, but it's pretty manged.
The manged project has some issues. They might be related, or they may just be a side effect.
Invalid project path: Include path not found (/home/tim/ros_source/electric/driver_common/dynamic_reconfigure/msg/cpp).
Invalid project path: Include path not found (/home/tim/ros_source/electric/driver_common/dynamic_reconfigure/srv/cpp).
Invalid project path: Include path not found (/home/tim/ros_source/electric/ros/core/roslib/msg_gen/cpp/include).
The first two seems a little weird, shouldn't those be msg_gen/cpp/include and srv_gen/cpp/include?
I'm also confused on the third one, because roslib doesn't generate messages, right?