How can I record (rosbag) the appropiate nodes for simulatting gmmaping?
Hi, I have had some trouble with gmmaping with turtlebot. What happens is that when I try to make big maps (a whole building of my university) it seems like it divides the map in different sections and, sometimes it moves the sections so the map at the end fits the reality but only by sections.
For example there are 4 main corridors that make a perfect cross. If I start at the very beginning of one corridor at the end I'll have 4 corridors but not necessarily in a 90º each corner.
In order to work in the code I want to record with rosbag the topics that will allow me to simulate that I'm driving the robot. Which ones do you think I should record? I tried with odom, scan and tf and it doesn't work well, although I can see in rviz the scan the robot doesn't move.