Kinect content missing on the Turtlebot
I'm coming back to Turtlebot after a couple of months on other things. Wow, things are looking great! It's really coming together.
I'm having a curious problem and I hope someone can provide some guidance. This started out when I started running through the gmapping tutorial. Teleoperation was working fine, but I wasn't seeing anything coming up in rviz. So I tried subscribing to the image topics, using image_view, etc. Still no video. So now I've backed up and am trying to resolve this problem.
After figuring out that the stuff in kinect.launch wasn't referenced in turtlebot.launch and is now brought up separately (I am lazy and created a custom launch file that includes kinect.launch), I got the openni_kinect topics to show up. The Kinect is powered on, it shows up in lsusb, etc., and the laser is merrily red. Here's my rostopic list:
... except nothing seems to be actually publishing to the camera topics. For example, a "rostopic hz /camera/rgb/image_color" doesn't give me anything, but a rostopic hz /odom gives me the rate info I expect. None of the other /camera topics get anything, either; I get no response from /camera/depth/image,
Sooo, back to rviz. If I add a display in rviz (Camera, topic /camera/rgb/image_color), I get a Status: warning message that says "No CameraInfo received on [/camera/rgb/camera_info]. Topic may not exist. But it does exist (see above), it's just that nothing is happening on it. if I rostopic echo or rostopic hz on /camera/rgb/camera_info, I don't see anything.
I tried running the gmapping stuff, which launches the kinect stuff ...