conversion of depht image coordinates to world coordinates (u,v,d) to (x,y,z)
Hi, I implemented a object detection classifier working on rgb and depth data (from openni_launch) which provides object center coordinates in the image plane (u,v). Now I want to convert those image coordinates (+depth) to world coordinates (resp. the 3D camera frame).
I know I could just use the (u,v) coordinates and the registered cloud to get the point stored at (u,v,) but sometimes there is a NaN at this point and I dont want to deal with that as it would require to look for the neighbours which biases the object center and stuff. Another drawback is that after some pcl-calculations (resampling, removing nans, calculating normals, removing major planes etc.) the cloud is not organized anymore.
Second I could use the /cameraInfo topic to get the intrinsics of my depth sensor in order to calculate the conversion by hand using the lens equation, but this is some trouble if you want to do it the correct way (considering all instrinsics of the camera matrix).
So ... as openni_launch already does this for the whole pointcloud-creation, is there a function or service offering this conversion in openni_launch, openni api, pcl api, ros_perception etc?