problems subscribing to turtlebot_node/sensor_state
I am trying to subscribe to turtlebot_node/sensor_state so that I can tell when my Turtlebot has bumped into something and handle it accordingly. Whenever I try to run it, however, it gives me the error message:
File "/opt/ros/electric/stacks/turtlebot_apps/turtlebot_teleop
/bin/turtlebot_teleop_key", line 35, in <module>
from turtlebot_node.msg import TurtlebotSensorState
ImportError: No module named turtlebot_node.msg
My import statements are as follows:
from os import system
import curses
import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('turtlebot_teleop')
import rospy
import random
from turtlebot_node.msg import TurtlebotSensorState
from geometry_msgs.msg import Twist
From other examples I can find online, it seems like this should work. turtlebot_node is definitely running correctly and I have no trouble getting it to move without implementing a bump correction algorithm. What do you think is wrong?
Thanks, Matthew