rosserial_client does not include
Good afternoon partners.
I've just installed this morning Rasbpian/Groovy on a second raspberry of mine.
When I follow the instructions to get "rosserial" on
everything goes well. BUT :
When I arrive to the step Adding Custom Messages(Generating Message Header File) on
and try to generate the header file invoking
rosrun rosserial_client ~/sketchbook/libraries My_Package
I'm given : [rosrun] Couldn't find executable named below /home/pi/catkin_ws/install/share/rosserial_client
Taking a look into ~/catkin_ws/install/share/rosserial_client/src I have only the "ros_lib" folder and the "rosserial_client" folder, wich includes " and", is missing.
Source :
I don't know if it could be a forgetting updating repo or something. I just wanted to feedback it.
EDIT 1 : I have done the next
cp -r ~/catkin_ws/src/rosserial/rosserial_client/src/rosserial_client/ /catkin_ws/install/share/rosserial_client/src/
Now I can execute rosrun rosserial_client ~/sketchbook/libraries My_Package and to get the header file to my new message types.
I just wanted to share this with the community beacuse it seems that during the compiling of rosserial with catkin_make ... is missing.
I hope this could help you in the futuro
Thanks for reading
EDIT 2: This solution does not work now. Now if I invoque "rosrun rosserial_client ~/sketchbook/libraries My_Package", it seems that it does nothing because it does not create the header. I don´t know what can we do ..Thanks
This looks like a bug in rosserial_client and should probably be reported against their bugtracker.
Thanks ahendrix for your interest. The problem now is that when I type "rosrun rosserial_client ~/sketchbook/libraries My_Package" it´s like nothing happens ... Where can i report this ?
The issue tracker for rosserial is here:
The same problem that nothing happens in hydro even though I downloaded the newest rosserial_client from the github.
I have not reported it yet. I´m reporting when I finished a class . Thanks to both of you.
Reported here :