rostopic publish message to remote machine?
Hi folks,
I'm trying to connect to ROS running on a remote machine. I can remotely echo the topics from the machine however I cannot publish anything.
rostopic echo /odom
works like a charm, printing all the odom messages published by the remote ROS on my local laptop.
rostopic pub /cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist -- "<some twist="" data="">"
however does not. I have traced the communication using Wireshark and all I can see are some registerService
, registerPublisher
and getParam
commands. My message however doesn't arrive. I've also tried to simply publish a std_msgs/String
to a topic called /blubb. But even that does not work. I cannot see the message itself on the network (however I can see the mentioned remote procedure calls) and thus it doesn't arrive at the remote machine.
is set to the remote machine's IP on both machines.
is set to http://<remoteip>:11311 on both machines.
works, rostopic echo
does, rqt_plot
does, even rviz
does using the remote connection. I just can't send messages to the remote machine.
Any idea what might be wrong?
Thanks a lot!
Cheers, Hendrik