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Ubuntu Workstation in Virtualbox, Problem resolving IP for Turtlebot [closed]

asked 2011-11-01 07:02:34 -0500

osuairt gravatar image

Hi all,

I have a virtual machine with Ubuntu 10.04. I have the diamonback turtlebot desktop setup. I have followed the instructions on how to setup the network via the tutorial.

I get the following when I run the bringup on the Turtlebot and roscore on the workstation.

Unable to contact my own server at []. This usually means that the network is not configured properly.

A common cause is that the machine cannot ping itself. Please check for errors by running:


For more tips, please see

From what I can guess, I don't think the routing is correct. I have a access point, that I connect the workstation to, and the Turtlebot to. The Turtlebot's IP is, and the IP of Ubuntu in VM is (something internal to the VM I guess). My workstation in this case is a Macbook Pro running OSX. Can someone give me some pointers, on how I should possibly be setting up my network configuration to allow visibility?

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Closed for the following reason question is not relevant or outdated by tfoote
close date 2012-04-01 09:44:12


Have you tried following the directions in the link provided? please include the output of the debugging commands in your question.
tfoote gravatar image tfoote  ( 2011-11-06 07:11:35 -0500 )edit

2 Answers

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answered 2011-11-01 19:45:21 -0500

Chrimo gravatar image

It would be helpfull to know the addresses of all your devices...

Please run:

ifconfig -a netstat -r

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answered 2011-11-01 19:42:18 -0500

Chrimo gravatar image

Hi, I have the same configuration running and it is working perfectly... Please check the VM-Interface and try the bridge mode.

BTW: whats the IP of your Mac ?

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Asked: 2011-11-01 07:02:34 -0500

Seen: 1,187 times

Last updated: Nov 01 '11